Benefits of Turmeric and Sprouts For Cockfight

- September 26, 2017

Benefits of Turmeric and Sprouts For Cockfight

Turmeric is identical as the manufacture of herbal medicine for humans or animals. Because it is the efficacy of turmeric itself already proved successful. Benefits and efficacy of turmeric is already known by our ancestors in ancient times that have been tested and can be utilized in the next life of the next generation, in other words, is the current and future. Take from the experience of our ancestors, for fighting cocks huge turmeric its usefulness, especially as health carers chicken or maintain endurance chicken. And turmeric are also believed to treat problems or disease in fighting cock. Well, for the benefit of turmeric ie:
1. Increase of appetite. Giving saffron or turmeric is an appropriate measure when the cock is getting low appetite. Giving turmeric can increase appetite.
2. Antibiotics (vaccine). For fighting cocks would be nice if the vaccine was replaced by turmeric. Because it is true that natural is better than the use of chemicals, so choose turmeric from the vaccine wears as an antibiotic.
3. Diarrhea. Turmeric can also reduce diarrhea / diarrhea in chickens. Diarrhea in chickens usually disbabkan by drinking too much water and possibly other causes. To that end, the granting of this turmeric is the perfect solution to treat diarrhea / loose stools. It is believed his recovery.
4. Fatigue. True fighting cocks must be in a state fit while competing. Well for fighting cocks lethargy or lack of passion can be overcome by using turmeric cut the size of marbles then dilolohkan intact without being crushed for adult chickens. If for young chickens can be ground and portions reduced or adjust.
In addition, there is another benefit of turmeric to the chicken complaints other than those described above, there are two, namely:
1. As the drug. Drugs in this highly important for chickens that had just finished a fight, because conditions are definitely weak and sick. Well, to be able to use part of the drug in the tuber (rhizome) turmeric older than one year, it dipoercaya can be used as a drug, among others:
1. Can cooling the body when infected chickens or when the heat in hot conditions.
2. Can clean the remaining dirt in the digestive tract so that the toxic substances can go all out. Because the toxic substances that often attacks the body inside and this should be avoided.
3. Helps stimulate the release of excess gas in the intestines.
4. Can stop bleeding and prevent blood clotting. This usually happens when you're done fighting, so it is good after a fight chickens given turmeric to stop the bleeding and prevent blood clotting.
As for the administration can be done by way of mashed tubers and weave directly into fighting cocks, may also be added with water juice.
2. As a remedy Affairs In addition to a drug in, turmeric can also berlhasiat as external medicine, among others:
1. Turmeric can be used to treat diseases of swelling after a fight in a way applied directly on the wound. If this is better kunyitnya mashed or grated first so much easier when pengolesannya.
2. Turmeric can also be used as a powder to be mixed therein gambier and whiting. Apply turmeric fluid throughout the body fighting cock, it is believed to thicken the outer skin of chicken so resistant to insect bites.
3. Efficacy next is a drug swollen eyes, the way he is dripping with saffron liquid in the eye, better kunyitnya grated or blended beforehand.
4. It is also helpful as a cure a runny nose or a cold, the way is to cleanse the nose fighting cocks with turmeric heated fluid.
5. Can treat vein disease down, by boiling the leaves of turmeric and lemongrass, then the liquid is used to compress the affected chicken feet down the vein. This can help healing faster.
The contents of turmeric, among others : • Curcumin, desmetoksikumin as much as 10% • Bisdesmetoksikurkumin as much as 1-5% • Essential oils are composed of sesquiterpene ketones, turmeron, tumeon 60%, • zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil. 2.5% fat as much as 1 -3% • Carbohydrates as much as 3%, • Protein 3% • Starch 8% • salts, namely iron, phosphorus.
Similarly, reviews the benefits of turmeric for fighting cocks and will next be explained about the benefits of the sprouts or bean sprouts.
It must have been akrap with these sprouts or bean sprouts, or if you can not see the picture next. Sprouts that although small but is a vegetable that has many benefits. Sprouts green beans (Phaseolus radiatus) and some sprouts soybean (Glycine soja). Okay, just on the benefits of sprouts for fighting cock is to enhance mating cockfight.
In the naming of mung bean sprouts, there are two kinds. The first is a regular cambah, where the stems and roots had grown slightly, while pieces of the seeds it has been somewhat reduced. The second is cambah that actually bud, cambah is just a piece seeds that have been inflated to a few candidates who began poking stems from the gap of the seed pieces. Cambah type this value is higher than usual cambah.
Back to benefits for fighting cocks. For fighting cock breeders, many who utilize these sprouts skin to replace the chicken feed their pet. Aside from being a chicken feed, is also efficacious as herbs enhance desire bangkok chicken mating complaint. High in fiber and protein leather green beans are still relatively high. And this of course can be boosted arousal mating fighting cock. These vegetables are recognized tradition handed down to become an icon symbol of fertility. If examples of benefits for the human body is to help grow fast so high. The content of vitamins during the process of germination:
1. Vitamin B. Vitamin B levels will be increased 2.5 to 3 times, which can help the digestive process glucose, when glucose was produced then she will provide input on nerve cells, including nerve cells in organs and fertility rooster this is very important.
2. Vitamin C. Starting germinate formed on the first day up to 15 mg per 100 grams after 48 hours. Vitamin C works to fertility rooster. if a deficiency in vitamin C can result in sperm cells become sticky that would interfere with fertilization of the egg for the sperm cells would be difficult to reach the egg. In other words, the possibility of fertilization can fail.
3. Vitamin E. Vitamin E will increase during germination of from 24-230 mg per 100 grams of dry beans into 117-662 mg per 100 grams of sprouts. Antioxidants found in vitamin E may protect the egg cells (spermatozoa) from various damage caused by free radical attack.
Administration in fighting cock (pemacek and biangnya) This can be done by sprouts or bean sprouts mixed with feed to be given. Can also be given directly (regularly every day or free with an absolute minimum 2x a week). Additionally, specific to Pacek 2 days once fed 2-3 crickets tail. In addition given the sprouts you can also leave a traditional herbal medicine in chickens and to how to make it you can read in the article Chicken Recipes Easy to Make Herbal Complaints. Similarly, writing about Benefits of Turmeric and Sprouts For Chicken Complaints.
Hopefully useful and good luck. Salam chicken hobbyist permainan.
Reference: - Ebook - Breeders of fighting cocks Bantul

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