Class of 1969 | Unpad Faculty of Animal Husbandry Alumni

- Agustus 14, 2017

Class of 1969 | Unpad Faculty of Animal Husbandry Alumni

Below is the name list of 'Class of 1969' of Unpad Faculty of Animal Husbandry Alumni. Alumni names with brown color are connected with personal url address (facebook accounts, blogs etc) and we have already had data of the names in our database. If you click the name and just redirected back to this page, it means we have had the data but no personal site available at present.
Amsjaruddin Sabrie, Ana Rochana, Bambang Supriyanto Irawan, Elien Sumarlina, Ema Salya Setyahadi, Eni Widiastuti, Ietje Fatimah, Imat Ruhimat, Kosim Benny Sym, Ikeu Gumiati Wiranegara, Nunung Nurani Abdulah, Ponpon Saripah R., Prijatna Ino, Sadiana Pranoto, Santoso, Setiabudi Nandika, Sri Bandiati, Sugijatno, Tetty Tabiah, Truby Janto Tandean, Watini.
To complete our alumni database, please send you data to this link: All informations will be kept and stored safely. Thank you.
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